Creepiest Discoveries Made By Urban Explorers

10 Jun 2024

A bathtub of brains a ghost shark and a pile of old human bones here are ten of the creepiest things ever found by urban explorers 10 Bathtub of Brains One of the most disturbing and ominous things to ever be found by an urban explorer is without a doubt - the bathtub full of preserved brains There have been images floating around online that were supposedly taken by a brave and adventurous urban explorer who came face to face with horror when he went wandering inside of an abandoned Texas insane asylum 9 A Body An urban explorer from the city Canterbury in the United Kingdom discovered a grisly thing when he went wandering through the derelict house of a former wrestling star named Jackie Pallo The urban adventurer s name is Paul Jones 8 Ghost Shark A curious man named Luke went exploring in an abandoned wildlife park in Australia Seems like it would be a cool place to investigate but when he came across what almost looked like a pickled shark inside of a gross green fish tank it was a bit more than he expected to find 7 Ghost Boy The next urban Explorer got the fright of his life when he accidentally photographed the ghost of a little boy while exploring a haunted mansion in the United Kingdom According to the report from The Sun Jake Parr felt immediately uneasy when he entered the abandoned Horncliffe Mansion 6 Hanging Bones This next story is something straight out of the Blair Witch Project An urban explorer recently decided it would be a good idea to go snooping through the abandoned farmhouse of Tony Martin the guy who gained notoriety 20 years ago when he shot and killed a burglar in 1999 at his Norfolk farmhouse in the U K only to receive life in prison 5 Ford Graveyard While urban exploring in a quiet village in the United Kingdom a guy came across a creepy forgotten Ford graveyard The YouTuber apparently lived nearby and was exploring a forgotten bomb shelter when he caught sight of something odd across the way 4 Cremated Remains This next creepy discovery is not that unexpected but brace yourselves it's still a bit disturbing An urban explorer discovered cremated human remains while inspecting an abandoned funeral home in the town of Flint Michigan 3 Mysterious Mausoleum An urban explorer took some seriously ghoulish pictures when he came across human corpses left to rot inside of an underground mausoleum This happened in the state of Alabama at a place called Memorial Mound which is not the prettiest name for a place you want your deceased loved ones to stay at 2 Secret Paris Catacombs Paris is a beautiful and romantic place The city has one of the largest catacomb systems in the world filled with millions of bones from throughout history However an urban explorer recently discovered an unknown Paris catacomb filled with hundreds of dead bodies 1 Horrifying Creature We've talked a lot about creepy forgotten places but what about creepy creatures Well you re in luck because an urban explorer again from the United Kingdom named Jay Jones was hanging out on a remote beach during the first coronavirus lockdown when he discovered the strangest creature ever

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