Shocking Archaeological Discoveries

10 Jun 2024

From ancient artifacts that have made us question history to facts about ancient civilizations that have created new mysteries and more join me as I tell you about 10 shocking and surprising archaeological discoveries Cyclops Skeleton In Greek mythology the Cyclops were a group of one-eyed giants who forged the thunderbolts of Zeus They were also terrifying and ate humans Just ask Odysseus Getting back on track the question of whether Cyclops were real in some fashion has plagued the minds of many scientists Especially when both animals and humans were found capable of being born with just one eye To be fair though this usually was the result of a disease of affliction but it has happened 9 The Jigsaw Mummies In the Scottish Highlands in the early part of the 2000s a dig was going on at a Bronze Age Settlement that existed 3000 years ago As they dug deeper they found two skeletons a male and a female and both of them were very well preserved 8 Pyramids Everywhere This may not seem shocking at first depending on your knowledge of the world but the fact of the matter is there are a LOT of ancient civilizations that had pyramids as part of their culture While we often think of the pyramids of Giza it turns out that building pyramids has been a common human denominator for thousands of years 7 What happened to the Sanxingdui Civilization In China there used to be a group of people that would eventually be known as the Sanxingdui Civilization It was a settlement that could be found in the Sichuan Province of the country But then suddenly it was gone and it remained a lost civilization until 1929 when it was rediscovered by a person who was repairing a ditch 6 The Tomb of Antony and Cleopatra There are always archaeological items that will shock and amaze people but just as shocking are items that we know we should ve found by now but haven t A great example of this is the tomb of Antony and Cleopatra 5 Maya Remains One of the most mysterious groups of people to ever live were the arguably the Maya They were a group of people that ruled Mesoamerica for many centuries and have left their mark on the world with their ancient cities their infamous calendar which people thought said the world would end in 2012 their rituals and sacrifices and more 4 Artifacts In A Cave When searching for historical artifacts you often expect to find things from the same time period if you find anything at all But in Kenya a cave system was found that had traces of human life and human technological advancement that ranged from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages That's 78 000 years roughly of people living in the same cave system if the remains are to be taken at face value 3 Ancient Egyptian Zoo There once was a place in Egypt known as Hierakonpolis This particular town was along the Nile River and at the time was one of the most important and richest towns in the area The upper-class members of the town decided that they would flaunt their wealth by buying a menagerie of exotic pets making it one of the earliest recorded zoos 2 Hobbits In Literature a Hobbit is a small humanoid from the Lord of the Rings saga In 2003 though real-life remains of Hobbits were discovered in Indonesia on the island of Flores The key find was a skeleton that was much smaller than regular humans Add to that the rest of the skeleton and it was revealed to be a person that was only 3 and a half feet tall despite being a full-grown adult- which would definitely make it Hobbit-Sized 1 Mermaids In World War II around 1943 Japan set up a military base in the Kei Islands of Indonesia Specifically they put a surveillance group there to monitor things on the islands Sure enough they started to see things but not regular things weird things

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