POWERFUL Mini Gadgets

10 Jun 2024

Rings that shoot bullets covert spy equipment ancient gadgets and technologically advanced gizmos let s check out the 10 most powerful mini gadgets 10 The Petite Protector This may look like something out of a James Bond movie but the petite protector was actually first designed in the 1800s back when the industrial revolution was a thing and mechanization was taking off all over the world 9 Electronic USB Rechargeable Lighter Ever heard of an electronic lighter No neither had I But there is in fact a lighter that runs solely on electricity You might remember how cool Zippo lighters were But they were such a pain always having to refill the annoying things with butane Not anymore Now you can refill your lighter with electricity thanks to the rechargeable lighter In fact this powerful mini gadget can be charged via USB 8 The 9000 Swiss Army Knife You know what a Swiss Army Knife is right the handy multitool that does it all But did you know that there is a 9000 Swiss Army Knife for sale And apparently the price is fitting This is the biggest baddest and most giant Swiss Army Knife ever created and it s called the Wenger 16999 Swiss Army Knife Giant But it is not that much of a giant It is still a powerful mini gadget with an impressive 87 implements then some 7 Thermal Imager for Your Smartphone This is probably one of my favorite powerful mini gadgets It s simple mega cool and attaches to my other favorite gadget in the whole wide world - my phone I am talking about a thermal imager that you can attach directly to your cell phone That's right a real professional thermal imager I don t know about you but the first thing that comes to my mind is the Predator and his heat vision That s exactly what this tool is like to use 6 Lockpick Set for Your Wallet Now this is something straight out of a spy movie Who even knew something like this actually existed In terms of mini gadgets there is nothing more powerful or more devious than the lockpick set for your wallet Even more surprising than the fact that lockpick sets even exist is the fact that so many companies make them You can find tons of mini lockpick sets online and most of them don t cost any more than twenty bucks 5 Lipstick Pistol The lipstick pistol This handy little gadget has been every female secret agent s best friend since the days of the KGB And while the lipstick pistol may feel like some goofy offhand invention from a James Bond movie it is anything but The lipstick pistol is a very real assassination gadget issued by the KGB back in the 60 s during the Cold War It now sits in the International Spy Museum in Washington D C 4 Pigeon Camera Most people would not believe that the pigeon camera was real However the pigeon camera was one of the world s first powerful mini gadgets It was definitely the first aerial photography unit to be used covertly and hands free So how did it work 3 Miniature Powerful GPS Tracker This is the ultimate powerful mini gadget and something I'm entirely sure everyone has wanted to get their hands on at least once Maybe you want to know where your kids are going when they say they're having a sleepover Maybe you are a little curious of why your partner is always working late Or maybe you have some super secret spy missions that involve a powerful mini GPS tracker Whatever your needs these secret agent mini devices are actually widely available 2 World s Smallest Voice Changer Our number 2 powerful mini gadget may not be a super secret spy device or a gun hidden in your shoe or some kind of cyborg pigeon gadget from the early 20th century However it does fit the very description of a powerful mini gadget considering I'm talking about the world's smallest voice changer 1 Laser Keyboard At the bottom of the list we reach one of the coolest mini gadgets ever made I am talking about the laser keyboard It s the future This tiny little gadget offers some super powerful features It is basically a hologram that is projected onto your desk or some other flat surface allowing you to type simply by tapping your fingers on the holographic keys

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