Most ILLEGAL Dog Breeds In The World

10 Jun 2024

13 American Bulldog I know what you're thinking What a bulldog is banned in some places How can that be right Well as in all things context is very key here While in America especially in the South the American Bulldog is revered certain other countries just don't like them for a very good reason 12 Wolfdog On the surface this seems like an obvious choice for the banned list because many countries in the world do not like wolves and some countries including the United States have even hunted some breeds to near extinction 11 Bandog Yeah how's that for an ironically named breed for this list But it's a real breed the Bandog is actually named because of its history You see this was a type of dog you actually wouldn't put on a chain or leash Instead it would roam free around the house and yard and it was deemed a protector of the house and its inhabitants with pretty good results mind you 10 Pitbull Oh yeah the hits just keep on coming But this time just about everyone know knows a Pitbull the dog not the singer knows exactly why these little things are on the list of banned dogs They're umm well they're mean Like totally mean And you'd think given their size this wouldn't be a problem but it is 9 Fila Brasiliero Here's a case of a dog being really good in one area and yet really bad in the other Fila Brasiliero are really big dogs but the use that size to their advantage These dogs are known for being incredibly athletic which is saying something given that dogs in general are stated to be athletic creatures But just as important it's actually a really smart animal Its intelligence is well documented so you'd think that this would make the Fila Brasiliero a very desirable pet But 8 Neapolitan Mastiff I want you to take a good look at the Neapolitan Mastiff doesn't this dog just scream Don't mess with me If so you're not alone for the Neapolitan Mastiff has been a protector of the home and of countries for a very VERY long time In fact these dogs were actually used as war dogs during the days of the Roman Empire and you know that the Romans wouldn't pick these creatures as helpers in battle if they couldn't do their job 6 Dogo Argentino If you've ever wondered Why do new dog and cat species get bred It's often because of a need or a desire to have a very specific kind of pet A great example of this is the Dogo Argentino Made in Argentina these dogs were bred to be hunters' companions and were bred to help with big game hunting I'm talking boars and puma 5 Japanese Tosa Inu Ok when your designation in life is to be a fighter You know that's going to raise some alarms Sadly many dog breeds have been bred to be fighter dogs both for protection war and for illegal dog-fighting rings And one of the top dogs in those categories is the Japanese Tosa Inu Don't let its simplistic look fool you this dog is a beast And it can weigh up to 200 pounds that's a very heavy dog 4 Boerboel You know you're good at your job when a company actually has you imported to do it for them And that's exactly what happened with the Boerboel Like many dogs on this list the Boerboel are guard dogs and very good ones They're bred to be lean muscular and strong while also having a loyalty to their masters 3 Doberman Pinscher There are many dogs who are intimidating by nature and because of that they get a bad rap sometimes And then there's the Doberman Pinscher who lives up to the height of that bad rap To be clear it's totally fine to have one of these dogs and they can be good dogs but they're also known to be incredibly aggressive especially to strangers 2 Alaskan Malamutes I won't lie I was stunned to find out that the Alaskan Malamute was on the list of banned dog breeds in the world It's just stunning to me especially since I raised one of their cousins in a Siberian Husky To me the Alaskan Malamutes are some of the most beautiful dogs in the world bar none But hidden beneath that gorgeous fur coat is a personality that can sometimes cause trouble 1 Presa Canario There are many dog species in the world and I would like to think that a vast majority of them are good natured dogs However the Presa Canario is most definitely not one of them If you've ever heard the term born bad the Presa Canario would definitely make that list

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