Most BIZARRE Creatures Found LIVING INSIDE The Human Body

10 Jun 2024

From gross flies to invasive snails and even spiders here are 9 creatures living inside human bodies Try not to get too grossed out 9 Lice When you were young you were told to take care of your body in all aspects right But one thing that parents likely emphasized was for you to take care of your head and hair because if you didn't something would start living there That something is lice These little bug creatures are some of the most annoying things you can have living in on you They're actually perfectly made to live in your hair and live off of the blood within you 8 Botfly Larva There once was a Peruvian Boy that found himself in an odd position mainly there was a swelling near his eye and he had no idea how it had occurred After growing to an impressive size he went to his doctor to figure out what was wrong They eventually determined that the larva of a Botfly had been put into the boy's skin and it was growing within him 7 Cockroach This story is 100 true and not for people who don't like cockroaches This is the tale of Hendrik Helmer who lived in Australia in 2014 and found himself with a unique problem His ear was hurting but not in the way that it would usually hurt if he had a headache or a clogged ear from earwax Rather this was a stabbing pain 6 Maggots Maggots are widely considered one of the most disgusting and vile creatures in the world they inhabit dead things more times than not and eat their flesh for food so that they can turn into flies and other kinds of insects If you have one inside of you that would be bad but for one man from India he didn't just have one he had an infestation 5 Tapeworms There are some animals in the world that when you hear their name you shiver and a Tapeworm is most definitely one of those animals Worms themselves aren't bad in fact they're great for the environment Tapeworms are evil creatures that will kill you without harming you in an overt way and thus can live inside of you for a VERY long time 4 Sea Snail There are many things that people like to do on their own that aren't advised by doctors And one of them is that if there is a spot on a part of their body they pop it themselves Usually it's a vanity thing but in the case of Paul Franklin it was something much more unique 3 Ticks Ticks are technically arachnids as they have eight legs But unlike spiders Ticks won't just settle for scaring you or biting you They're going to remain on you and even in you until you find them and get rid of them Why Because these little creatures are blood suckers and once they find a host they ain't going away easily 2 Spider It may be curious for you to think that certain creatures can survive in the human body after all the interior sections of various organs and guts are composed of various acids that are meant to kill anything that isn't a certain kind of object And yet in Sydney Australia a man had to have a spider surgically removed from his stomach via his navel 1 Dandelion While not a true creature this circumstance is one of a kind because who thinks about a Dandelion growing inside of a person This happened to a young Beijing girl who was only 16 months old But one day a seed from a Dandelion fell into her ear Usually this wouldn't be a problem but a few months passed and the young girl started to cry constantly and her parents noticed that she kept scratching at her ear

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