Dumbest Lottery Winners In The World

10 Jun 2024

From lottery winners who wound up dead to those arrested for stealing cars here are 10 of the dumbest lottery winners who ended up not being so lucky 10 Denise Rossi The greatest thing about the lottery is that you don't have to be a genius to win it Take the case of Denise Rossi who kept 1 3 million in winnings secret from her husband to avoid having to give him half of the money during their divorce settlement 9 Callie Rogers Callie Rogers was the youngest lottery winner in the history of Britain At the age of only 16 she managed to win over 2 million Imagine winning that much money at only 16 years old 8 Alex Rhoda Toth Next we have another couple who went from rags to riches and then back again Alex and Rhoda Toth won 13 million in 1990 after Alex purchased a lottery ticket At the time their family had been broke and struggling just to survive 7 Jack Whittaker Jack Whittaker got rich after he hit the Powerball jackpot in 2002 He won 315 million Afterwards his life became a mess He was 55 years old when he won what at the time was the largest United States lottery jackpot in a single ticket 6 Jonathan Vargas Jonathan Vargas won the Powerball jackpot of 35 3 million at the young age of 19 Not long after winning multiple threats were made on his life and he ended up needing to hire a bodyguard 5 Amanda Clayton One of the strangest cases of dumb lottery winners ever was Amanda Clayton in 2011 First of all the really bizarre thing was that after winning the state lottery s 1 million Make Me Rich game show she continued to take her food stamps 4 Roger Griffiths Lara Griffiths They say that most divorces are the product of money problems But the truth is that too much money can also cause problems Take the case of Roger and Lara Griffiths who had lived with their two daughters in West Yorkshire 3 Jose Cua-Toc The story of Jose Cua-Toc is a classic one Jose was a native of Guatemala who entered the United States illegally in 2000 He also won 750 000 on a lottery ticket 2 John Ross Jr John Ross Jr won the California Set for Life game in March He should have been left with 70 000 every year for the next 20 years of his life and that s after tax 1 Sharon Tirabassi Our final story in today's video is Sharon Tirabassi a woman who won 10 5 million and nine years later was flat broke She was the winner of the Hamilton Lotto and after rolling in dough for most of a decade she finally ran out of funds

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