Craziest Giant Animals Found In The Middle Of The City

10 Jun 2024

From a snake on the roof of someone s house to a bear attack on an unwitting cop car here are ten of the craziest giant animals found in the middle of the city and the chaos they caused 10 Snake on the Roof Snakes aren t supposed to be found in the middle of the city and yet one was seen wriggling around on somebody s roof in the middle of a busy Detroit neighborhood This might not have been a big deal if the snake was a normal size 9 Hungry Hyenas If you live in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa you may be in danger of being eaten by a pack of urban hyenas According to a recent report from the BBC hyenas have become a dangerous problem in this city 8 Tiger Chaos India is a country of extremes There are elephants and cows in the streets there are cremated remains floating down the Ganges River and there are rogue tigers attacking people in the city One such incident came just recently when a Bengal tiger escaped from a nature reserve and began to attack locals 7 Bear vs Cop Car The last place you expect to find a rampaging black bear is in a bustling Japanese metropolis And yet that is exactly what happened on the island of Honshu inside the Ishikawa Prefecture Black bears are the only wild types of bears that live on the island but they normally hang out in the forest 6 Coronavirus and the Animal Takeover One of the most amazing things that came from the coronavirus quarantine situation back when cities were emptied and residents were forced to stay at home was that animals began to take over cities In an amazing triumph of nature all kinds of very rare critters were found wandering through residential areas and inside of cities where they would not normally be wandering 5 Trampled by an Elephant Elephants are simply too big for city life They block traffic they steal food they bully people and they cause general mayhem Oh yes and they trample people to death This is what happened to a 75-year-old man who had a chance encounter with an elephant while walking down the road near his house 4 Colombian Drug Hippos You ve probably heard of the cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar the Colombian legend who murdered hundreds made millions on cocaine and plunged the country of Colombia into violence and mayhem But what you might not know is that Pablo Escobar set up his own theme park and private zoo back in the early 1980s 3 The Monsters of Bangkok Anyone who's visited Bangkok has probably seen the giant lizards living all throughout the city Particularly you can see massive monitor lizards bigger than most humans inside the massive Lumpini Park in the centre of the city Some of these giant monitor lizards grow to be nearly seven feet long 2m with weights of up to 110 pounds 50kg 2 Attack of the Macaques Macaques may not be giant animals but when you see a gang of these hairy little monkeys numbering in the hundreds it's far scarier than any large cat or big lizard This next story is also in Thailand where there is a war going on as we speak between man and monkey 1 Cows Go Grocery Shopping Just like the old saying goes cows are people too And yes they can go shopping An entire gang of cows was recently captured on video inside a city in Hong Kong robbing a grocery store These cows proved to be incredibly ambitious biggestanimals giantanimals animalencounters worldlist

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