10 People That Got Punished For Helping Others

09 Jun 2024

From the man who saved the president s life and paid the price to an ordinary fella arrested for saving a dog from a burning building here are 10 people who were punished for helping others Who even knew this could happen Subscribe For New Videos a http 3A 2F 2Fgoo gl 2FUIzLeB a 10 The Presidential Savior Oliver Sipple saved the president s life It happened on an early morning in September 1975 when Oliver decided to go for a walk around his neighborhood in San Francisco Suddenly he found himself confronting a deranged female assassin trying to kill United States President Gerald Ford 9 The Fired Lifeguard A lifeguard who briefly abandoned his post at a Florida beach to save a man from drowning has now been fired His name was Tomas Lopez and he was patrolling Hallandale Beach in Miami when somebody told him that a swimmer was in deep trouble in a part of the beach that was unsupervised 8 Jail for Feeding the Homeless A 90-year-old man in Fort Lauderdale recently faced jail time all because he wanted to feed the homeless This guy was charged with violating a new order restricting public feeding of homeless people Let that just sink in for a minute There is a literal ordinance in Fort Lauderdale that has made it illegal for ordinary people to feed the homeless 7 Sued for Being a Hero In March 2013 a man named Michael Turner saved a young girl after she was stabbed inside of a Pittsburgh Target It all happened when a homeless man attacked a 16-year-old girl named Allison Meadows seemingly for absolutely no reason at all 6 Fired for Caring A teacher was recently fired by the Hesperia Unified School District for supporting her LGBT students after they had complained about how the district was treating the Gay Straight Alliance club at the local high school where she taught 5 The Dog Savior In West Memphis back in 2003 a man named Jarrod Martin watched his apartment building burn from the parking lot while his dog cried out for help from inside the towering inferno The fire department was there and they assured Jarrod that they would save the dog but they didn't seem to be doing anything about it 4 North Korea Madness In a shocking and frankly disappointing story out of North Korea a mother recently faced the possibility of jail time after she saved her two children from a burning house According to the report from the Daily Mail the woman has since been placed under investigation by North Korea's Ministry of State Security 3 Suing the Hospital In May Edward Winter s life was saved by a nurse at the St Francis-St George Hospital when she revived him through electric shock If not for the nurse s quick actions Edward would have died of a heart attack Unfortunately for Edward he didn t really want to continue living 2 The Ultimate Sacrifice Sometimes someone pays the ultimate price for their bravery and selflessness A man recently died after he jumped into a California river to rescue three children who'd gotten swept away in the violent current Two girls and one boy all of them under 11 years old were playing in the Kings River when they got pulled under a bridge by the strong rushing current 1 Helping Out a Neighbor When a black man in Maryland tried to help his neighbor he got arrested for it This happened in Silver Spring when Samir Ahmed helped his neighbor to get home when he was drunk and falling down Samir took it upon himself to go out and walk his neighbor back to his home peoplehelpingpeople rescuestories gonewrong worldlist

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