10 Fastest People In The World

09 Jun 2024

From the fastest swordsman in all of Japan to the most skilled runners swimmers and even barbers Here are 10 of the fastest people in the world Subscribe For New Videos a http 3A 2F 2Fgoo gl 2FUIzLeB a 10 Fastest Swordsman Let's start our list of the fastest people in the world by talking about Isao Machii the fastest swordsman in the world Isao was born on August 20 1973 and is considered a Japanese Iaido master 9 Fastest Runner No list of the quickest people on earth would be complete without talking about Usain Bolt He is without doubt the fastest running human on the planet He holds more world records for speed than anyone else and has yet to be beaten 8 Rubik s Cube Boy Have you ever tried to complete a Rubik's Cube when all the colors have been scrambled It's an absolute nightmare Anyone who has tried to do a Rubik's Cube will tell you it s not exactly easy 7 Fastest Driver Solving a Rubik's Cube might be pretty complicated but nothing can really compare to being a Formula One driver According to a new study we have finally found out who the fastest F1 driver really is 6 Fastest Lady Lumberjack Whoever said lumberjacks have to be men didn't know what they were talking about Some of the quickest competitors in professional lumberjack sports today are females 5 Fastest Haircut A man named Ivan Zoot has just set a new world record for the fastest haircut ever This guy is a superstar of the hair care industry At 44 years old he became an international barber extraordinaire 4 Fastest Swimmer For a long time Michael Phelps has been the fastest swimmer in the world He was the Usain Bolt of the water But according to a report from NBC Sports in 2019 Michael Phelps world record was abolished by a young kid from Hungary at the World Championships in South Korea 3 Fastest Arcade Player Being the fastest player in a video game is probably not going to score you a lot of points with the ladies But who cares 2 Fastest Typist Let's take a look at the fastest typist in the world This is another one of those things where being the fastest at something isn't going to earn you a lot of international fame but nonetheless it is a pretty cool record 1 The Fastest Woman in the World Everyone knows Usain Bolt We talked about him and his incredible speed earlier But there is in fact an incredible woman named Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce also from Jamaica who holds the record as the fastest female sprinter of all time fastestpeople fastestworkers amazingpeople worldlist

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